Your First Visit

Initial Paperwork

Chiropractic treatments are considered a medical treatment. Prior to seeing Dr. Cody, initial intake forms will be filled out. This will cover basic personal information to previous medical history to what is currently causing some issues. 


Next, You will have your consultation with Dr. Cody. This is the time where the Doctor will  discuss health-related problems, concerns,  as well as the individual goals of treatment. 


Following the Consultation, an examination will be performed. These will consist of taking vitals,  neurological, orthopedic, postural, and physical tests. At this point, an  X-ray may be necessary, however not all injuries require medical imaging. 

Treatment Options

At this point, Dr. Cody will have a diagnosis for the assessed areas. He will cover different routes of treatment that may be taken. He will cover how long chiropractic care is projected to take to help resolve the current injury. At this point, it is up to you as the patient to decide if you would like to continue with chiropractic care. Once your decision has been made and you have given consent, we continue to the next steps.  

Next Steps

Individuals who decide to continue with the recommended chiropractic treatment will often receive an adjustment, physical therapy, soft tissue work, and our modalities. Prior to finishing the appointment, home instructions will be discussed to help with the current conditions that may be affecting you.